Above: One of the beautiful Cherry Blossoms we've noticed on our walks
Spring is in the air! 🌸
At least here in Lara today where we enjoyed a sunny top of 20C. It’s that time of year again when Southern Victoria emerges from the grey skies and bare trees of Winter into the season of longer days and captivating blooms. We’ve noticed plenty of Pear and Cherry Blossoms around town, as well as magnificent Magnolia all vying for our attention. However, Spring also comes with irritating ailments such as Fleas, Ticks, Hay Fever and Canine Cough that can cast a shadow over the sunniest of moods. That’s why the Pets Country Club team are sharing 5 practical steps to prepare your pets for the season ahead. 😊
Our 5 steps for a happier Spring for your furry friends
1. Spring clean their living space!
Spring cleaning our home is an age-old tradition. As the weather warms up, few things are as cathartic as letting go of the old and making room for the new! The same applies for your furry friends who’ve no doubt been hibernating under extra layers these past few months. First step is to wash their bedding with a quality detergent on a warm or hot wash setting, and vacuum their living space. While you’re at it, be sure their toys are also given a good clean to eliminate any flea eggs and parasites before they can cause trouble.
Wash your pets bedding using a quality detergent on a warm or hot wash setting
Vacuum their living space
Don’t forget their toys either
2. Guard against fleas and ticks
Whilst cleaning is the first step; Fleas, Ticks and other parasites remain a major irritant to our pets - no matter the time of year. Yet Spring tends to be the season that really brings these creatures out of hiding. Get ahead of these pests by purchasing preventative medication before the weather really warms up (Summer is their favourite season). They’ll thank you later! Pets Megastore is a great locally owned, online store with low prices. For face-to-face advice Pet Barn and PETStock are great with stores across Australia.
Purchase preventative flea & tick medication
Available from any pet retailer or your local veterinary clinic
3. Schedule a checkup with your vet
The start of Spring is also an ideal time to book in your furry friends for their regular checkup. Given they’ll likely be spending a lot more time outdoors, your vet can conduct a full physical exam and check their vaccinations are up to date, not to mention offering timely advice on common seasonal irritants. Don’t have a vet? We highly recommend the RSPCA and AVA (Australian Veterinary Association) directory as excellent places for finding a fully-qualified practitioner close to home.
Schedule a checkup with your local vet
Spring is an ideal time for a full physical exam and vaccination check
4. Shed those excess Winter kilos
Just like us humans, Pets can easily pile on extra kilos during the Winter months. All the more reason why the start of Spring is a perfect time to get them moving again through establishing a regular exercise routine. Gradually ease them into it by starting with short walks around the block, before building up to longer expeditions and runs. Not only will their Winter weight loss quest make for a healthy Spring and Summer ahead, you’ll both have plenty of fun in the process whilst boosting your shared sense of wellbeing! 😊
Establish a regular exercise routine, beginning with short walks
Gradually build up to more vigorous activity, such as running
5. Ensure they’re microchipped for social days ahead!
Finally, with your pets likely to spend much more time outdoors over coming months, now is a good time to consider microchipping them for extra peace of mind. With or without a microchip, Collar ID Tags are another great idea that will help your furry friends find their way back home, should curiosity get the better of them! Not sure where to start when it comes to Microchipping? Animal Welfare Victoria and RSPCA are excellent resources.
Microchip your pets for extra peace of mind
Collar ID Tags are also a good option
Final Note – Keep an eye out for Canine Cough
A friendly reminder to keep an eye out for Canine Cough – a common and highly contagious respiratory virus affecting dogs of all ages and sizes. Spread through airborne transmission in social settings, symptoms typically appear within 3-7 days and include a dry, hacking cough, sneezing, nasal discharge and lethargy. Please reach out to your vet if you think your pet is affected.
Ready to embrace Spring with a well-earned break? We'll take care of your furry friends for you. Contact our friendly team at the Pets Country Club on (03) 5282 1286!